Gaye Tekin

As a Full Stack Developer, I contribute to myself by developing projects in the field of web development and design.

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About Me.


I am a Computer Engineer who graduated as an Honor Student in 2022 with an average of 3.02/4.00. During my computer engineering education, I took part in various projects to improve my technical knowledge and skills and also to increase my problem-solving ability. Currently, I have set my career goal as a Full Stack .NET Developer and I am taking a long-term training in this direction.

  • My Skills Are: HTML, CSS, Sass, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, TypeScript, Angular, C#, .NET, MSSQL, MongoDB

Most Important Skills.


I have knowledge and experience in creating and developing interactive web pages and improving user experiences using JavaScript.


I have knowledge about type safety, debugging and writing readable code with TypeScript.


I develop web applications using Angular and have the ability to manage large projects with a modular structure.


I have been working with C# for a long time and I have increased my knowledge by developing large projects.


I have knowledge in providing effective solutions on different platforms using the .NET framework.


I have a strong knowledge of database design, effective querying and data management.


Angular - ASP.NET

Bookworm Project

It is a comprehensive project that includes multi-language support, the ability to make payments with the Iyzico Library and many other technologies.

Angular - ASP.NET

IT Desk

This project includes features such as the ability for users to create IT support requests, list them, add photos and log in with their Google account.

Angular - ASP.NET

Todo List

This project includes a "To Do List" application developed using Angular, ASP.NET Core Web API and Entity Framework Core.

JavaScript - HTML - CSS

CV Project

This project allows a user to create and edit a personal resume. Important technologies used in the project: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Axios.


Snake Game

This game is a classic snake game developed using JavaScript and HTML5 Canvas.


Brick Breaking Game

This game is a brick breaking game developed using JavaScript and HTML5 Canvas.


School Database Design

This database stores data containing a school's students, teachers, courses, exams, and other related information.

Contact Me.

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